Danny Torres


“After battling leukemia, losing a 7-figure business, and living on the street, I kept going. Now, I’m in the best shape and position of my life. I want to help others do the same.”


Danny Torres (known by many as the Life & Business Troubleshooter), brings to FYP World his wealth of experience and practical knowledge, not just theory. Faced with adversity throughout his life, Danny continues to overcome the odds – from experiencing near death while conquering leukemia to scaling and exiting several 6- and 7-figure businesses. He offers real-world experience for business strategies that have elevated over 1,200 clients in the past 13 years. Danny is also an inspiring public speaker and runs a yearly seminar where he teaches attendees how to win in all aspects of life.

A best-selling author and father of two beautiful Queens, Danny understands the value of having sustainable and predictable cash flow for your business. His proprietary systems and processes will provide you with more time to spend with loved ones and enable you to do “more good” in this world.