We inspire uniquely perfect individuals to create valued lives by building unconditionally loving communities, inspiring generosity, creating engaging motivational content, and aligning the body, mind, and soul to find and fulfill their purpose in a fun, creative way.




It’s a tale as old as time: When you’re looking at your reflection, you don’t like the image staring back at you. You feel lost and insecure in a crowd of “fitness gurus” and influencers claiming to know the best and only way to get the physical results you want. You’re flooded with products and images telling you what you should eat, who you should look like, and how you should feel. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, gain weight, adopt a healthier lifestyle, change your appearance, or simply find joy in being active, the amount of misinformation and body shaming out there makes even the simplest fitness journey feel like a never-ending trek. You need a community to support and encourage you, whatever your health goals may be.


In the world we live in today, it’s easy to lose track of yourself and who you want to become. There are so many things pulling you in a million different directions, from family and friends to your career and beyond. How do you pinpoint your goals and choose the right paths to take? You’re searching for personal growth and development and can’t even find the starting point. But you don’t have to take this journey alone. There is somewhere that can help you discover and achieve the relevant life you’re seeking.


Do you feel disconnected from the people and world around you? Have the individuals you usually turn to for support become distant, detached, or unavailable? It’s natural to feel alone and disconnected at certain points in our lives, and it’s normal to want more genuine social connections. If you’ve lost your sense of belonging or are searching for fulfillment, you’re not alone. There is a safe and welcoming space filled with other compassionate soul seekers like yourself.


Do you feel like you were destined for more? Are you ready to change the world with your thoughts and ideas but just… don’t know how? Maybe you have an amazing product that has true potential to improve people’s lives, but you can’t seem to get it off the ground. You could have a head filled with brilliant concepts and opportunities, but no resources to bring them to life. All the motivation and innovation is there at the surface. You just need someone to believe in you and guide you to success. A community that will help you create the valued life you’ve been working so hard for without any results.

The place – the home – you’ve been hoping for is called FYP World.



FYP World builds fun, challenge-driven communities using subscription-based content, giveaways, and affiliate products that enable people to manifest their intentions, celebrate their daily wins, and embrace their uniquely perfect selves. We inspire those individuals to create valued lives by building unconditionally loving communities, inspiring generosity, creating engaging motivational content, and aligning the body, mind, and soul to find and fulfill their purpose in a fun, creative way.

Whether you’re in your 20s or 70s, it’s never too early or too late to take control of your life and claim the valued life you deserve. You’re already perfect – we just want to hold up the mirror.


Can you feel it??? Can you hear it??? Can you feel your purpose begging you to step into your uniquely perfect self??? Today is the most pivotal and transformative time in the history of the planet EVER!!! Are you willing to accept the call to do only what you can do? Something no one else ever created in the history of the universe can do!!! Understand, you have been uniquely and perfectly designed... and I see YOU! Hi, my name is Ben Petersen and I SEE YOU. I SEE YOUR SOUL. I am the author of the book, “Congratulations You Are Perfect!!! Now What?”​ and the Founder and CSO of FYP World.
I unconditionally and absolutely love all people, animals, and all of creation. I was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah. I’m a father of four amazing boys, and they are why I do what I do in this life.
I have a degree in business management and am co-owner of Current Insight, a solar services and software company. I am passionate about solar but my purpose is to encourage individuals to seek their purpose and then begin to fulfill it, thereby leading them to a valued, relevant, and greater connected life. My 43 years on this planet has allowed me to create a formula that provides you the most valued, relevant, and connected life. Once I realized I was uniquely perfect, I stopped seeking perfection and asked myself what was my purpose and how do I fulfill it? Since receiving my answer, my world has been absolutely rocked, and I now live the most valued, relevant, connected life possible. A life that surpasses all dreams I could have ever imagined!!!

Ben Petersen 83




Marketing Strategist

“FYP is an outlet to practice my passion for human connection and understanding and to freely share an unexpected perspective born from my unique experience.”

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Financial Analyst & Founder of Dowstrademus

“I always give today my best and try to do right by everyone. I’m fortunate enough to come in contact with. Together, we can create a better today than we did yesterday.”

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Consultant, Author, & Co-Founder of Finding Leadership Within

“Self-leadership is the ability to treat yourself well. You are worth your time and your energy. I want to show you that high performance is closer than you think.”

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Transformation Coach & Creator of BODtheWORK

“I want to help you live your best life ever by getting in the best mental and physical shape of your life. Are you ready to learn how to play the game and win?”

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Bio Integration Experts, Founders of TahKole, & Hosts of “Mentor In The Mirror Podcast”

“We are here to align your body into the master vision with fun, play, creativity and freedom. We cannot wait to spend time laughing, hugging, and loving YOU.”

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CEO & Founder of Tribes.Men Gatherings

“If you’re ready to experience life brighter than you already are but don’t know where to start, we’re here to support you on your path to finding that light.”

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Soul Samurai & Founder of Every Teen Seen

“I’m here to be a force of love and change and bring unconditional love, passion, commitment, and full vision to the FYP team. Let’s change the world together.”

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Inclusion Educator & PLAY Ambassador

“My number one strength is stimulating others to reach their full potential. I want to recognize and empower you toward individual autonomy and success.”

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Heated Vinyasa Flow Instructor

When you are born in a world you don’t fit in; it’s because you were born to help create a new one.

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Breakthrough Coach, Author, Founder of The Power of WE Symposium, & Host of Bathrobe Moments

“I strive to inspire and uplift every person who crosses my path. We are all a part of the ‘Ripple Effect,’ and I want to create a ripple that will reach around the globe.”

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The Life & Business Troubleshooter, Author, & Anton Jae Certified Business Strategist

“After battling leukemia, losing a 7-figure business, and living on the street, I kept going. Now, I’m in the best shape and position of my life. I want to help others do the same.”

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Sexuality & Relationship Consultant, Speaker, & Founder of SoulExpanded

“I reconnect people to their souls, inner power, and divine selves. My message awakens you to your greatest potential, no matter how that looks or where you are.”

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Hypnotherapist, HypnoBirthing Educator, & Founder of

“I honor the depth of the work that happens within the subconscious while in a hypnotic state and strive to serve those around me with this transformative tool.”

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Behavioral Scientist, Psych Medium, & Reiki Master

“My passion is to assist people to let go of the pain that holds them back, so you are finally able to grasp the reins of your most fulfilling life.”

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Businesswoman, Nurse, Psychic, Shaman, Reiki Master, Mother, Grandmother

I am a vibrant alive person who loves life. I connect with the higher and lower realms; I see auras and souls, as well as read cards. Presently I am studying astrology and creating a website to help woman become independent.

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Lyricist, Poet, & Founder of @RADLIFE360

“I love sharing my healing gifts and abilities with others. This life is a journey of remembering unconditional self-love and connecting ‘we’ to ‘me.’”

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Business Architect, Speaker, & Comedian

“What I love most is creating that momentum and being in assistance and service to the person who is looking for that one little thing to kick them over the edge."

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CEO of Current Insight

Chris has been involved in the PV Solar arena for more than 10 years helping build multiple, forward thinking companies rise to the top of their particular niche, giving him a broad range of experience.

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Entrepreneur & Business Owner

“After owning over 7 successful businesses in a wide range of industries, I want to share my passion for efficiency and scalable growth with the world.”

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You don’t have to continue feeling insecure and discontent, wondering if your full potential will ever be within reach. When you join FYP World, you gain access to lifelong friends that share your goals, even more special challenges and giveaways, a customized plan that will guide you through daily victories, and an unmatched confidence in yourself and others.
Start creating a valued life today.