Ope Okubanjo


“I always give today my best and try to do right by everyone. I’m fortunate enough to come in contact with. Together, we can create a better today than we did yesterday.”


My name is Ope Okubanjo. I’m a Financial Analyst with over 20 years of experience in the financial markets. I am the first of 5 kids raised by parents who worked in the Finance industry. Being the first child of 2 mathematically inclined parents who spent time overlooking spreadsheets and constant number punches in calculators offered me no wiggle room but love for numbers and a drive to solving number related problems.

I relocated to the United States for College education. During this transition I understood the US economy was heavily influenced by the financial markets and this intrigued my mind to learning and dissecting how the financial markets worked. After college education, I made sure I only sought employment in the Financial Industry. Over the years I worked in different sectors of the Industry such as Financial Application development, Strategy Analyst, Portfolio Manager and Risk analyst.

In 2008 during the peak financial crisis and a first hand experience of seeing a lot of people lose their life savings and how a lot could have been prevented, that was the moment I decided I was going to use my skills to make a difference. In 2009 I founded “Dowstrademus”, an Investment educational entity that will help guide everyday regular investors on how to efficiently Invest and manage risk on their investment while eliminating the fears and emotions that are associated with bad decision making in Investing.

Dowstrademus operates under the core principle of “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is a reflection of our habit.” The Dowstrademus team is built of like minded diverse professionals ranging from Aerospace Specialist, financial Engineer, Technical Programmer and a Statistician with a combined Investment experience of over 50 years.

In 2011 we successfully developed a unique Algorithm driven trading system called DRAT (Dowstrademus Risk Analysis Trades) The DRAT system can be used by anyone with little or no knowledge about Investing. We also provide training courses on how to Invest and profit from various types of securities in different times on the US exchanges. This system has a high success predictive analysis rate of 80%+

As an Analyst who lives by principles coupled by a motivation to always be better than my yesterday self. I always give today my best so I can sleep well at night knowing I didn’t leave any stone unturned and I did right by everyone I was fortunate to come in contact with be it associated or random.

I am glad to be a member of the FYP World as I believe all the founders have similar core values and goal towards creating a better today than we did yesterday.