Tah and Kole Whitty


“We are here to align your body into the master vision with fun, play, creativity and freedom. We cannot wait to spend time laughing, hugging, and loving YOU.”


We are Tah and Kole Whitty, Bio Integration experts and hosts of Mentor In The Mirror Podcast.

With Tah’s 25 years in emergency medicine, Kole 17 years in educating professionals about life’s addictions, 17 years combined in various shamanic traditions, 15 years combined personal training and body alignment to NYC’s performance driven entrepreneurs…we have a diverse understanding and deep LOVE of people.

We are playfully obsessed with humanity’s evolution.

Whether you are attuned to it or not, you are physically affected by the constructs you are participating in and they are showing up EVERYWHERE.

In Your Business…
In Your Finances…
In Your Relationships…
AND In Your Body.

We bring expansive and diverse thought through immersion, imagination, various modalities and practical skills.

We dig deep, consider, laugh and contemplate the workings of the inner being.

We LOVE people.

Working with us should excite you or scare the shit out of you.

(We hope you feel both)